Our Art and Design Co-ordinator is Miss Kate Warren
The children know that in art we learn to be creative with different tools and materials.
At Amble Links First School we encourage children to work creatively, explore and record ideas through the delivery of our Art and Design curriculum. We place a strong focus on becoming proficient in the areas of drawing, painting and sculpture by developing relevant skills and techniques year on year.
Within this, the work of other artists is used to stimulate, inspire and influence the children’s own work. Children study the work of a wide range of artists past and present. Opportunities for developing other art, craft and design techniques are built into the curriculum as appropriate, such as our whole school artwork for all children to contribute Puffin paintings for display across Amble during the annual Puffin Festival. Sketchbooks are introduced in KS1 so that the children become proficient at recording and reviewing their skills and ideas as they take their sketchbooks with them through KS2.
Details of the progression of skills and artists we study are provided in the Art Progression Overview below.
We place a strong emphasis on learning key subject and topic based vocabulary. Our key focus areas are:
To develop creativity
To master techniques (Drawing, Painting, Sculpture)
To develop visual literacy by taking inspiration from a diverse range of artists, designers and craftmakers