Our Designated Online Safety Co-ordinator is Paul Heeley (Headteacher)
As children use the internet more and more it is becoming increasingly important to ensure that they know how to stay safe from its potential dangers. We have a comprehensive Online Safety Policy to support this.
Just like a swimming pool or a road, we know that the internet can be a dangerous place, but we don't stop the children using them; we teach them how to use it safely.
CLICK HERE to watch some really useful videos to learn more about how to keep children safe in an online world.
E-Safety is an integral part of our ICT curriculum and is addressed during most ICT lessons as well as during specific E-Safety lessons and through assemblies. Parents can find out more about E-Safety and use a range of online resources to support children in using the internet safely. Try the resources below.
Get the children to try out the new 'Cybersprinters' game from the National Cyber Security Centre.
'ThinkUKnow' released a new version of their website for parents that is full of information about how to protect children on line.
The NSPCC has recently released their 'Share Aware' campaign that helps educate about how to stay safe online.
Check out this useful website from Tigermobile about how parents can protect their children on their smartphones.
NSPCC's Net Aware is a great website to visit to check out safety information about a range of different apps and programs that your child may be using.
Vodafone Digital Parenting Magazine
There are also a range of E-Safety resources available for children to use through School360 using their username and password.
KIDREX is a good place for children to search the internet safely.
DINOPASS helps children create safe passwords for themselves.
You can download our Pupil Acceptable Use Agreements below:
We use SWGFL Boost to support E-Safety in our school.
These links take you to new checklists produced by the Safer Internet Centre containing everything you need to know about Facebook, Snapchat and Twitter
Click here to download the terms and conditions of some popular social media sites written in child friendly language.
Children can use Google's Interland to help learn about keeping safe online.