Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)
Our PSHE/ RSE Co-ordinator is Mrs Louise Cuthbertson.
PSHE Education offers learning opportunities and experiences which reflect the increasing independence and physical and social awareness of learner. They learn skills to develop effective relationships, assume greater personal responsibility and keep themselves safe.
At Amble Links Primary School our pupils are given opportunities in PSHE, lessons and assemblies where we use the acclaimed Jigsaw scheme of work to develop confidence, self- motivation and an understanding of their rights and responsibilities within our diverse society. We also deliver our Sex, Relationship and Health education programme through Jigsaw alongside other curriculum subjects such as Science and Computing.
We teach PSHE in a variety of ways, as a discrete subject, through Jigsaw lessons, via whole school and class assemblies, and through other subjects included in our creative curriculum, as well as through outdoor educational visits, community work and activities.
Our PSHE/RSE Curriculum documents can be downloaded below.
Many aspects of PSHE are covered through our everyday work, acts of collective worship as well as within our taught curriculum. Our collective worship timetable includes weekly assemblies which have strong PSHE links and cover subjects such as British Values, enterprise and citizenship.