Summer 2 2024

Year 4 Penguins
Summer 2 2024
Reading: We will use the non-fiction text 'The Fossil Hunter' by Kate winter and 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe' by C. S. Lewis to develop our reading and comprehension skills. We will discuss our understanding of the text and new vocabulary, retrieve and record information, identify main ideas and summarise these.
Writing: We will use the book 'Weslandia' by Paul Fleischman to develop our writing skills. We will retell the story in our own words and then create a non-chronological report for the civilisation of Weslandia. We will then use 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe' by C. S. Lewis. We will explore the idea that a character can change over time and develop the skills of prediction including evidencing from the text. We will write an imaginary conversation between two characters and write in role. 
How can we live more sustainably?

Pupils are introduced to the concepts of sustainability and sustainable development through a number of examples that will be familiar to them in their everyday lives, such as recycling and ‘bags for life’ at supermarkets. From these familiar examples, the pupils progress gradually to reflect upon the concept of a resource and how these can be renewable and infinite or non-renewable and finite. From this foundation the pupils are encouraged to consider their own lives and what they currently do as individuals and at home as a family to be more sustainable.

The school community is the next focus of the investigation. The pupils are given the opportunity to survey the school’s level of sustainability against a number of categories and to identify priorities for development in an Action Plan. The scale and context of the enquiry then moves to a national level with the pupils considering why the UK Government is looking to massively increase the contribution of renewable energy, such as solar and wind, to the generation of electricity.

What did the Vikings want and how did Alfred help to stop them getting it?
In this unit pupils are able to identify and reflect on the reasons why Viking Norsemen came to Britain and the impact they had. They are encouraged to look beyond the terrifying activities of the Viking Norsemen to the motives of most Scandinavians who wished to travel to Britain during Anglo-Saxon times. Pupils will explore what it was about the longship that provided Viking Norsemen with such an advantage when raiding English religious communities and consider why horned helmets are popularly associated with Vikings.
Language angels - Les Glaces
Pupils will learn 10 flavours of ice-cream and the transactional language required to purchase an ice-cream. By the end of the unit pupils will have the knowledge and skills to take part in a role-play activity where they will order a cone or pot of ice-cream in the flavour(s) of their choice, specifying how many scoops of each they would like.
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Password: pupil
Jigsaw Puzzle 6: Changing Me
Our lessons will focus on: unique me; having a baby; girls and puberty; circles of change; accepting change; looking ahead. 
Click on the video below for our Relationships, Sex and Health education (RSHE) consultation video with Jane Crudace, our school nurse
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The children will continue their music lessons focusing on playing the ocarina. We will use all the notes we have learned throughout the year to play a wider variety of songs.
The children will begin this half term by developing their games skills through learning cricket. They will then focus on athletics developing their skills of throwing and jumping.
During this half term we will work on Money, Time, Shape, Statistics and Position & Direction. We will write amounts using decimals; convert between pounds & pence; convert between analogue & digital times; compare and order angles; learn about triangles, quadrilaterals and polygons; interpret and draw line graphs; plot co-ordinates and draw 2D shapes on grids.
Watch the videos below to support your learning with Money and Time.
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This half term we will be learning about sound. The children will focus on how vibrations cause sounds and how sounds travel. We will investigate the best material for soundproofing and learn about the scientist, Alexander Graham Bell, and his invention of the telephone. To learn more about sound waves and vibrations watch the following video clip.
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This term the children will develop their creativity with a drawing activity exploring typography.  We will look at some examples of Street Art, comparing elements with other styles we have studied.  The children will recap their earlier learning about drawing with line, tone and texture before looking at perspective.  They will compare the use of perspective by David Hockney and L.S. Lowry then use these artists as inspiration for their own perspective drawing.  Then the children will have the opportunity to reflect on the styles and techniques in previous art learning and select from a range of materials to create their own drawings, paintings and sculpture. Finally we will look at the role of designers, particularly metal work, using examples from the Bord Waalk sculpture trail in Amble.

Electrical systems
This term pupils will apply their scientific understanding of electrical circuits  to create a torch made from easily available materials and objects. They will design and evaluate their product against set design criteria.
How and why do people mark the significant events in life?

Pupils will learn about the beliefs of people from different worldviews surrounding commitment and promises. They will discuss the meaning and importance of ceremonies of commitment for religious and non-religious people. Pupils will learn about several rites of passage and use their knowledge to reflect upon whether it is good for everyone to see life as a journey, and to mark the milestones.
