Summer 2 2023/2024

Year 3 Sharks
Summer Term 2 2023/2024
This page contains information for parents about how they can support their child's learning this half term.
This half term we will continue to investigate the question 'How do artefacts help us to understand the lives of people in Iron age Britain?'  We will learn about Boudicca and how she resisted the Roman invasion of Britain.
This half term we will be continuing to look at Florida, USA and answering the question 'Beyond the Magic Kingdom - what is the sunshine state really like?' This enquiry is designed to enable pupils to gain an understanding of the physical and human geographical features of a region in North America with which they can begin to compare and contrast the characteristics of a region of the United Kingdom.  The objective of the investigation is to take the pupils beyond that with which they may be familiar and introduce them to different aspects of Florida’s physical and human geography.
In our 'Changing Me' unit, we will be learning about how the babies of animals and humans grow and change.  We will be discussing the next stages of our growth and development as well as thinking about our aspirations for the future.
Design and Technology
We have built on our sewing skills by learning how to cross stitch and applique.  This half term we will use these skills to design and make our own cushions.


Events and Actions in Programs

The children will explore the links between events and actions, whilst consolidating prior learning relating to sequencing. We will begin by moving a sprite in four directions (up, down, left and right). The children will then explore movement within the context of a maze, using design to choose an appropriately sized sprite. This unit also introduces programming extensions, through the use of pen blocks. The children are given the opportunity to draw lines with sprites and change the size and colour of lines. Finally they will design and code their own maze tracing program.

This half term we will base our writing on the text 'Cloud Tea Monkeys' by Mal Peet and Elspeth Graham.  We will learn how to write descriptive passages, write in role, write a ‘how to’ guide (instructions), a letter and a discussion. We will end by writing our own non-chronological report.  We will also enjoy reading and responding to 'Fortunately the Milk' by Neil Gaiman.  Please continue to read at least four times per week with your child and sign/ make a comment in their reading diaries.
We will be re-capping all of our Sharks times tables this half term so that the children are confident with these before moving onto the 6, 7, 9, 11 and 12 times tables in Year Four.  We will be developing our understanding of time, telling the time to five minute intervals.  You can help your child by supporting them to access Doodle Maths for 10 minutes daily and by practising telling the time using an analogue clock.  We will also be working on shape and statistics.
We will be re-visiting the drawing skills we learned in Spring 1; using hatching and cross hatching to show tone and texture and using shading/ varying pressure to show tone. We will apply these skills to make observational plant drawings and to create our own garden drawing.  We will be looking at the work of botanical artists Beatrix Potter and Margaret Flockton.
We will be suggesting ways of answering the question 'Do plants need light in order to grow?'  We will be finding out the answer through scientific enquiry, making careful observations and measurements of our results.  We will be learning about the life cycle of flowering plants.  We will also be thinking about the function of the different parts of a flowering plant and setting up an experiment to observe how water is transported in plants.

The children will identify some beliefs about God in Islam, expressed in Surah 1. They will also make clear links between beliefs about God and ibadah (worship) and how this links to prayer, fasting, celebrating and the intention to live out the five pillars of Islam. They will have opportunities to ask questions and suggest answers about the value of submission and self-control to Muslims, and whether there are benefits of these for all people.  

Swimming will be on a Tuesday afternoon and P.E. on a Wednesday afternoon.  We will be playing cricket in Games and developing our running in Athletics.
We will continue with our French unit 'Shapes' and will re-cap our learning from across the year.